Contract Review and Negotiation
Contracts stand at the center of most business relationships and transactions. A good contract makes clear the rights and obligations of all parties, and spells out expectations in an understandable and realistic way. A less good contract may be unclear, imprecise, ambiguous, or impractical, fail to cover important points, or leave the parties with different and incompatible understandings of what is supposed to happen. Unfortunately, far too many contracts have one or more of these defects, and quite a few have all of them.
Bill Stempel has been negotiating and drafting contracts on a wide variety of subjects for more than 35 years. He can review proposed contracts and identify legal and business issues that even experienced business people may miss. He can help develop standard contracts for your use that are customized to meet your needs. He can participate in negotiations directly or remain behind the scenes, at your option. Most importantly, he can help you make sure that your contracts protect and benefit your business.